Today is the LAST DAY to order #TEAMJUDAH t-shirts and car magnets!

We are taking orders for shirts and magnets through today. Click here for more info on shirts/sizing/magnets/pricing
Email with your name, address and what you would like to order. If you want a bracelet, there are still some in the office! We hope to mail/deliver everything by May 21st, before we break for the summer.
When we decided to make the shirts and magnets, our hope was to see people ‘wearing their love’ for Judah. That as we drove around town, walked through the grocery store, we would see #TEAMJUDAH everywhere! Already, as we see people wearing the free bracelets, we are encouraged and Judah lights up. He knows those people are on HIS team!
Please forward this info to anyone you’d like. We would love to see #TEAMJUDAH all over town!